One problem with C# generics is the lack of member constraints. In other words, this is impossible:
public static T Add<T>(T left, T right)
    return left + right;
People have come up with a large number of solutions, but they all have their own problems, ranging from messy looking syntax to less-than-optimal performance (particularly due to virtual function calls). The solution I propose is a somewhat hacky one (yes that's a word) which maintains both good performance and clean looking code: write the function in IL.

The code for the add method boils down to something like this:
For those not familiar with IL, the above code adds the first to arguments of the method, then returns the result.

I found that this actually works with generic types. No funny errors, no nothing. Of course, I didn't actually compile any IL source code - I wrote a separate program to generate the assembly. The source code for it is this:
namespace Generator
    using System;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Reflection.Emit;

    public static class Program
        public static void Main()
            var assemblyBuilder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(new AssemblyName("Operations"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.Save);
            var module = assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("Operations", "Operations.dll");
            var type = module.DefineType("Operator", TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Sealed);

            type.DefineBinaryOperatorMethod("Add", OpCodes.Add);
            type.DefineBinaryOperatorMethod("Subtract", OpCodes.Sub);
            type.DefineBinaryOperatorMethod("Multiply", OpCodes.Mul);
            type.DefineBinaryOperatorMethod("Divide", OpCodes.Div);
            type.DefineBinaryOperatorMethod("Remainder", OpCodes.Rem);


        private static MethodBuilder DefineBinaryOperatorMethod(this TypeBuilder type, string name, OpCode operation)
            var method = type.DefineMethod(name, MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static);
            var genericParameter = method.DefineGenericParameters("T").First();
            method.SetParameters(genericParameter, genericParameter);
            method.DefineParameter(1, ParameterAttributes.None, "left");
            method.DefineParameter(2, ParameterAttributes.None, "right");

            var ilGenerator = method.GetILGenerator();
            var continueLabel = ilGenerator.DefineLabel();

            ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, genericParameter);
            ilGenerator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, typeof(Type).GetMethod("GetTypeFromHandle"), null);
            ilGenerator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, typeof(Type).GetProperty("IsPrimitive").GetGetMethod(), null);
            ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue_S, continueLabel);
            ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "The specified type is not supported by this operation.");
            ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, typeof(ArgumentException).GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(string) }));

            return method;
In case your wondering what the ldtoken/call/callvirt/brtrue.s/ldstr/newobj/throw stuff is doing there, that just checks to make sure the type argument is a primitive type (yes this only works on primitive types), and throws an ArgumentException otherwise. Before adding that, .NET threw some pretty nasty exceptions when I tried it on some non-primitive types.

As a final note, the methods generated with indeed work on all primitive types. Even booleans. I was surprised to get a DivideByZeroException upon attempting this:
Operator.Divide(true, false);
Again, this only works on primitive types. Remember, string and decimal are not primitive types. Perhaps this could be extended to calling the op_* functions...

After a couple small performance tests, I found that this method was nearly as fast as doing simple addition (x + y). Then again, I know nothing about microbenchmarks. Try it for yourself :D


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Well, I got tired of Blogger :D. New blog here.

While developing spectral, I discovered something peculiar.

Consider this sample pseudo C#/IL:

public static T Sqrt<T>(T value) { ldarg.0 conv.r8 call double System.Math.Sqrt(double) ret } You'd expect some sort of error, right? The return type is T, but the returned value is a double.

I decided to shove my findings in the last post into a library, dubbed Spectral.

Download the latest change set here.

One problem with C# generics is the lack of member constraints.


A very funny thing happened today.

I believe in some language or another (can't remember which), the Abs function is actually a member function - x.abs() instead of abs(x). It also means you can do something like -1.abs(). I wanted to try to emulate that sort of thing with extensions methods.

Something wonderfully terrible happened today: I got reviewed.

A negative review, yes. But also a very stupid one.

The reviewer complains that the s/he can't compile the source because it won't load in VS2010.

Keep in mind this is a somewhat old game that I made quite some time ago, using...

This has been done a thousand times, but here goes anyway...

Ok, sort of. After much experimenting, this is the simplest method I could come up with.

This method uses linear depth, and reconstructs the position in world space.


Say you have a simple class which implements the singleton pattern.

Now you want to create a class which inherits the singleton functionality.

So, you call Derived.GetInstance() and...

In an effort to emulate Reactive Programming, I have created this nifty little class. It's preliminary (created five minutes ago), but seems useful enough for now.

Every once in a while, I run into this sort of ugly situation:

public MyClass(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice)

: this(graphicsDevice, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height)

{ }

public MyClass(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, int width, int height)


if (graphicsDevice == nu

Below is a rendering of a model I've been working on for a game. It's the first one I've made with Blender 2.5.

I finally figured out how to make shiny looking metal without using any actual reflection. Just set the diffuse really low, and lower the specular exponent (in this shot, it's 50).

I figured it was about time I played around with volume rendering...

The volume is generated from a height map.

Here's a small class for building vertex and index data. I used this sort of thing a while ago when I was just starting on my planet renderer. I quickly found out that it, while putting everything into one nice vertex buffer and index buffer (saving me draw calls), became way to expensive to use when I started using much larger amounts of data. Nonetheless, it's still useful for making smaller things, such as boxes.

OK, I lied. I've been looking at LOD again, except this time around, I'm using triangles, not square patches. I've hacked out a couple useful methods, namely: Closest Point on Triangle Distance from Point to Triangle

Where did all the stuff go?

My posts were all over the place. I was also getting very lazy about posting new content.

Overall, the blog wasn't quite turning out how I wanted it to be...

So, I'm starting over.

I'll be laying off the procedurals for a while.

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